Course Syllabus
Here you will find valuable information, including rubrics, rules, and a break-down of the course. Click the pdf at right. More details are also listed below. |
The Basics:
-If a student misses class on the day of a quiz, test, or write, they will make up that assessment on the day they return to class, in class.
-No food or drink besides water.
-No inappropriate language.
-No other work.
-No use of Electronics: Phone, Smart Watch, or Ear Buds unless authorized.
-Work missed as a result of a truancy or unexcused absence is marked as a zero.
-Work ignored and incomplete, assigned for a single class period, will receive a late grade if completed.
-Work turned in late is worth partial credit (a maximum of "C" credit).
-Students with Truancies and Frequent Tardiness will not qualify for any school honors, or any recommendations.
-Phones and Smart Watches must not be on a student during testing. Violations will result in a zero grade.
-Backpacks must not be on a desk or lap.
-Extra tutorial assignments cannot be done if a student has missing work.
-If a student misses class on the day of a quiz, test, or write, they will make up that assessment on the day they return to class, in class.
-No food or drink besides water.
-No inappropriate language.
-No other work.
-No use of Electronics: Phone, Smart Watch, or Ear Buds unless authorized.
-Work missed as a result of a truancy or unexcused absence is marked as a zero.
-Work ignored and incomplete, assigned for a single class period, will receive a late grade if completed.
-Work turned in late is worth partial credit (a maximum of "C" credit).
-Students with Truancies and Frequent Tardiness will not qualify for any school honors, or any recommendations.
-Phones and Smart Watches must not be on a student during testing. Violations will result in a zero grade.
-Backpacks must not be on a desk or lap.
-Extra tutorial assignments cannot be done if a student has missing work.
Thursday After School (Period 7) Tutorials
Extra assignments are provided in Tutorial worth 2 points. Makeup work is done at this time also.
Only large dollar coins are worth 1 point. Other coins or bills are worth a half point. Money is turned in at the end of the Semester.
Participation Points
13 points will be awarded for participation to all students, automatically, as extra credit! For each of the following reasons, one point will be deducted from participation for each occurrence:
-Being late to class without a pass, etc. (You are supposed to be in your seat when the bell rings.
-Being truant from class (Other consequences also apply.)
-As a bathroom pass if during work time.
-Failing to bring, or have charged, your Chromebook
-Laying head on desk, sleeping, etc.
-Doing other work in class, drawing, being off task
-Unauthorized use of phone and/or watch.
10% on the Final for folders with every assignment complete and in order.
Passing AP Examination
Students passing the AP test will receive a Second Semester grade change to an "A."
Students in PRIDE may drop a quiz grade.